Dr.Jasper Doar ICU & INC

The UnderGround

We make em, train em,and then they are ready for YOU!!


About us

The UnderGround is similar to a military bootcamp that equips young minds to work for the higher power, the ICU. We understand that not everyone will make it on their own, so we provide and give and take relationship. You submit your young minds to a rightful purpose and education we see fit, and you get to live out of poverty !! Never worry about starvation again! Take care of your sick old parents!! Make a name for yourself

Lectus mauris


As everyone who enters our facility, whether they train to be a Drone or a Crypt, comes in sick we have bi-weekly procedures to help ensure your growth and development! Neuro Surgeons are around on the clock to make sure there are no obstacles on a physical level in your minds ! We remove the bad matters, and the sick growth and replace it with healthier mind matters, more white blood cells, higher immune systems and more !!

Odio tempor

What are our studies?

We equip ourselves with a deeper understanding on how our bodies, minds, brains, and systems work ! Disecting the dissected. We are currently making it possible to be immortal, immune to most ailments, living without organs, or even a brain ! Fusing your genetics with more promising genes and more !

Lectus magna

What is our goal?

We plan on making a higher class of Humans. Our goal is to jumpstart evolution to its HIGHEST mark, surpassing all other levels and beings. Soon enough war will end, and the only thing we will worry about is what to eat for dinner.

Quam nulla

Our Facility is open to EVERYONE !! Drop your info below and we will send a recruiter to your home to pick you up

Reach us at: wewoowambo on discord

The ICU is watching. Hail the ICU

© Untitled. All rights reserved.

Welcome !!

We knew youd join, always knew. Welcome home